Opening of the trilateral test field for autonomous driving DFL


3rd April 2019

High notables yesterday in Schengen.
Transport ministers from Germany, France, Luxembourg and Saarland met to officially open the cross-border test field for autonomous and connected driving in the border triangle. The first transnational test field is intended to serve industry and research alike to test application scenarios and new technologies across borders on all types of roads.
Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer (CDU) said at the starting signal for the trinational test field: «The mobility of the future begins now – and we are right in the middle of it».
Anke Rehlinger, Saarland’s Minister of Transport, was also present and said: «Mobility only makes sense if it works across borders. On the test field we are testing groundbreaking steps on the way to smart mobility concepts». She also expects a lot from the innovations in autonomous driving: «The results will help us to better align the conditions in cross-border public transport with the needs of the customers».

Further press releases:
31st March 2019 – Saarbrücker Zeitung (in German – only for subscribers)

3rd April 2019 – (in German)

3rd April 2019 – Pfälzischer Merkur (in German)

3rd April 2019 – Saarbrücker Zeitung (in German – only for subscribers)

3rd April 2019 – (in German)

9th April 2019 – htw saar blog entry (in German)

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