10×6 Mobility: The challenges Luxembourg faces


18th September 2019

The 10×6 Mobility Conference organized by Paperjam in the Escher Theater on September 18, 2019 gave 10 experts the opportunity to present their vision of better transportation to improve the quality of life, for more sustainability and a strong economy. One of them was the use of electric automated minibuses for commuter transport in border regions.
Professor Thomas Bousonville talked about the ambitious goals of the project TERMINAL and the related actions that htw saar wants to carry out together with its operational partners in order to enable commuters in the Greater Region to experience better mobility in the future.

Video of the lecture of Prof. Bousonville (in English)

Impressions of the event in pictures (in French)

further reporting:
24th September 2019 – htw saar blog entry (in German)

19th September 2019 – Summary of Paperjam (in English)

18th September 2019 – Tweet on Twitter (in English)

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