TERMINAL hosts resultful Monitoring Committee for former project year

February 16, 2022

The 2021 Project Monitoring Committee was held on February 16. Due to continuing pandemic conditions, the event was again held as an online event.

In addition to 13 present operational partners of the project and representatives of the INTERREG program, other interested parties and strategic project stakeholders participated. The big meeting gave the project the chance to report about all current developments as well as the project progress achieved in the past year.

INTERREG speaker Mr. Jego praised the project for its consistency and approach despite the loss of a project partner. Besides, he congratulated on the achievement of important milestones and for the successful continuation of the project.

Besides the successful completion of the practical test phase with the automated cross-border shuttle for commuters between France and Germany, further essential milestones for the continuation of the project were reached.

For the last year of the project, it is important to build up the few remaining milestones and to bring the project to a successful conclusion.

The date for the closing Monitoring Committee has already been set. We look forward to presenting the numerous results and recommendations for action to an expert audience in a final event on September 16, 2022.


Successful third Advisory Board Meeting for TERMINAL

28th October 2021


Another milestone has been reached! On the 28th of October 2021, the third Advisory Board Meeting was successfully held.

Operational and strategic partners as well as other interested parties participated in the digital event. The operational project partners reported on current challenges, progress and milestones achieved. The practical test phase with commuters and citizens in the German-French use case is successfully and effectively completed. Currently, all collected data are analysed and be used for the evaluation of the field test.

In addition, the operational partners provided an outlook for the coming months. For the last year of the project there are many exciting milestones to be reached! The focus is particularly set on the implementation of the second use case for Mobility on Demand bertween France and Luxembourg.

We will keep you informed!

Successful first monitoring committee for TERMINAL


12th February 2020

On the morning of 12 February 2020, the first Monitoring Committee of the TERMINAL project took place at the htw saar forum. This event was the opportunity to present the progress of the project to our funding authority INTERREG as well as to our strategic partners.
We would like to thank all our operational and strategic partners for their cooperation and look forward to the next two years with great anticipation and enthusiasm!

Kick-off to cross-border automated mobility – the Greater Region on the move


15th February 2019

Safe, environmentally conscious and flexible – these are the central demands on the mobility of the future. In the border region between Germany, France and Luxembourg, mobility in the work environment is an important factor. It must be simple, cheap and available to everyone. The automation and intelligent networking of road traffic plays a central role in this. In the TERMINAL project, 15 partners from science, mobility providers and public administration are working and researching on the establishment of automated, electric buses in cross-border commuter traffic. The project started in January 2019 and will run until December 2021. It has a volume of around 3 million Euros and is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) with approximately 1.8 million Euros from the «Interreg VA Greater Region» programme. The lead partner of the project is the Saarland University of Applied Sciences (htw saar).

Further reading – see blog entry of htw saar (in German):

Further press releases:
2nd December 2018 – Saarbrücker Zeitung (in German – only for subscribers)

16th October 2018 – Süddeutsche Zeitung (in German – only for subscribers)

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