Presentation of the project in Creutzwald

March, 18th 2021

The representatives of the project TERMINAL, Mrs. Isabelle Rösler and Mr. Thomas Bousonville presented the progress and details of the project to the municipal Council of the association of local municipalities  Warndt in Creutzwald on March, 18th 2021.

The regional press was also present and reported on the event by publishing an article in the daily newspaper «Républicain Lorrain» on March 22nd to mention this project, which is unique in Europe and for which volunteers are being sought to test the mobility concept.

Note for interested cross-border commuters!

To the newspaper article

Impressions of the evenining from the homepage CC Warndt

Many thanks to the association of municipalities Warndt for this great opportunity!

Automated shuttles in Luxembourg

Luxembourg – Pfaffenthal

12th March 2019

Since September 2018, two automated shuttle buses have been tested in the Pfaffenthal district of Luxembourg’s capital. Lex Bentner – Chef de Service – from the Autobus de la Ville de Luxembourg knows how the service is received, where exactly the bus runs and whether everything is running smoothly.

Link to the video and radio report about the «Major project Terminal – autonomous buses in Saarland from 2020» with Professor Horst Wieker

Further press releases:
25 February 2019 – Saarbrücker Zeitung (in German – only for subscribers)

20th September 2018 – L’essentiel (in German)

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