A lighthouse project on mobility in the Greater Region

Final event
Mobility on Demand with an Automated Vehicle: Successful Demo on Public Roads in Luxembourg!
Monitoring Committeee February 16th 2022
Workshop with drivers from the KVS GmbH - Nov. 23rd 2021
Begleitkreis 2021 Screenshot
July 2021: Start of the field test
First info event on 16/06/2021
Delivery of the test vehicle to our parnter, KVS GmbH
Presentation of the project in Creutzwald (FR) at the Council of the Warndt municipal associatiion
The TERMINAL project team welcomes you!
Survey on user acceptance of self-driving vehicles in the Greater Region goes online
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The TERMINAL project started at the beginning of 2019.

TERMINAL is the first project in Europe to test a cross-border bus line with automated electric minibuses under real traffic conditions.

The project involves various companies, municipalities, public institutions and universities in the region. The leading partner is the Saarland University of Applied Sciences (htw saar).

The project, which costs about 3 million euros and which is being supported to an amount of 1.8 million euros by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) via the Interreg VA Großregion programme, is considered by the Saarland Minister for Economic Affairs, Labour, Energy and Transport, Anke Rehlinger as "a signboard for the mobility of the future in the Greater Region."

The practical test phase took place in summer 2021! To learn more

On September 16th 2022, as part of the final event, the results of the project were presented to an audience of mobility industry experts and political representatives, and recommendations were made for the future development of automated cross-border transport.

For more information on the final event

For detailed results: Project

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