German-French panel discussion «Mobility of the Future»


23rd May 2019

Professor Horst Wieker accepted the invitation of the agency INSPIRE METZ, which, in cooperation with the World Trade Center Metz-Saarbrücken and BEHR Consulting, had organized a panel discussion on the «Mobility of the Future». The event took place during the week «Metz est wunderbar», to which German and French politicians, researchers and entrepreneurs from the vehicle and transport industry were invited.

In the Grand Salon of Metz City Hall, speakers were able to present alternative mobility concepts and solutions for the future to a lay audience. Whether electric buses, automated and connected shuttles in public transport or autonomous vehicles for private use – the discussion made it clear that the mobility of the future will pursue several objectives and will not be single-track.

Less CO2 emissions through electric or hydrogen drives are conceivable. But also concepts such as car sharing, bicycle rental in inner cities and autonomous vehicles can be a response to congested roads and lack of mobility offers in rural areas.

On the subject of autonomous driving, Professor Horst Wieker was able to share his experiences with the audience and, on the basis of the TERMINAL project, to make it clear what opportunities a self-propelled bus can offer in rural areas and how progress in research is increasing public confidence in intelligent transport systems.

About the event (in German)

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